Friday, March 22, 2013


I know, again, this topic feels all not-pagan-y, but it is, at least to me it is. Maybe it is more witchy than pagany, but, eh semantics.
This really does have a bit to do with spell-work. We do all the planning for our spells and we find all of the right things, and we do everything in the right order. Then we raise our energy and cast our spell. And it is all done, we quit worrying about it, but why don’t we care anymore?
This is not true for everyone some people ARE really good about their follow-through. Asking for raises after money spells, putting job applications in after job spells, going out and talking to people after love spells. More people seem not to. It seems as though some people want to go through the motions and say the words and let someone, or something else do everything else for them.
Spells are great, I can do things with magic that I never could without it. But the universe, or divine, or spirits aren’t all perfect, they will not bend they laws of reality for you, they make things move in your favor, but if you can’t be bothered to start the ball rolling, there is no point in there being a place to get it. If you don’t back your magic with a few actions often the spell itself is even incomplete, and nothing can happen, because you may be actively holding it back. Magic can help you achieve your goal of being a bit skinnier this year, but not if all the food you are living off of comes from the donut shop… There is only so much your spell can do, if you don’t really care whether or not it works…
Maybe that is the crux of the issue, why most spells require follow-through, because without the follow-through, you aren’t really putting your energy behind the spell. You are holding it in, and really fully committed to making the spell work, or having what the spell may result in. If the results of the spell are not going to be something you are prepared for, then maybe it is a good way of judging whether or not the spell should work. Just my thought on this though, and I am certainly not perfect.


  1. Very true, this - and I think part of it is that the follow through, the mundane work of job applications and difficult conversations, is actually much harder than the magic work!

    I'm catastrophically shy, so the whole getting out in the world and promoting myself is something I really struggle with. So much easier to dump it all at Sulis' feet and yell "Help!". If only that worked. *sigh*

    1. I am completely with you there in the shyness! I think sometimes part of the trick is even doing a spell for the right things, for the confidence to make things better for yourself, can even be more helpful than we realise!
