Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Introduction, we all need introducing, right?

So I’ve never tried this whole Blog writing thing, but always sort of wanted to, I just never had much of anything to say. I think I have plenty to say now though,  I think I do, I may not…
Long story short I am a Pagan, I have been for a number of years now. I believe in a non-Abrahamic version of god, I am very happy with my beliefs they evolve, but hey, doesn’t everything?  In addition to being a pagan I am what is generally referred to as a kitchen witch.
 I am a witch, have we gotten over that yet? Cool, let’s move on.
 I do not have any fancy initiations, I don’t reconstruct or recreate anything, (save a good recipe!) and I am not part of a big fancy coven, or a high something of anything. I am just me practicing my craft at home, for the most part by myself. I use my kitchen and kitchen tools in my practice, and things tend to be fairly simple. I don’t really care what color candle I am using for what, I don’t call corners and I don’t cast circles, and the charge of the goddess is a nice thing I’ve read in a book, but it isn’t mine. I’m not a particularly good tree hugger either, I like nature, just not on me. I am also not a vegetarian, sorry I like meat, and meat is part of the natural order, and…. I don’t care if it seems wrong, I like meat, and I shall likely continue eating it into the foreseeable future…
I do a lot of things at home, I make salves, and things as I can. I like natural herbal remedies, when they work.  I like to be able to make things myself, too many things are too expensive, and are way cheaper, and easier than shopping and buying them! These things will likely feature greatly in my writings, and I may share some recipes and things here.
I guess some proper basics are in order too, I am a loving wife, newly married, with no children just yet, I have 2 cats, and I currently reside in a little tiny apartment in a college town in Delaware. The living arrangement is likely to change, but this is pretty much us right now! I like to cook and craft what I can, and I have a bit of a propensity for video games, but I love learning, and I love being with my family.

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