Saturday, January 12, 2013


So when I started posting under the Pagan Blog Project, I probably should have noticed a few things; First, that I started a week late. Second, apparently, I am posting on the wrong day.
Today’s post will be an attempt not only to catch up, (on totally the wrong day!) but, to expound on my previous topic, because I feel like I did not do it the justice it deserved, or even really make it my own. In that respect, here we have it!
Ancestors, Again!
So ancestor veneration is important on many paths and not just pagan ones, and just starting out, I had decided that it was something that I was supposed to do, so I did it. The problem with that is that I had no memory of ancestors, (I have known all of my grandparents, but at the time, they were all alive.) Great grandparents were little more than names, and very few pictures. My family did not keep a lot of pictures about, and especially few of those who had passed. I was starting from blank space, I had no place to look for meaning. I had a mirror, a glass of water, and a candle, and that was it, the whole ritual was meaningless to me. I had no connection to it. So I stopped. That worked out just fine too. As I moved away from the path I had started on, I realized that the idea of ancestors did mean something to me but not in a traditional “these people were related to me” sense. My own ancestors did not mean very much, but there have always been people here, where I live, taking care of themselves and their families, people who may have walked paths similar to my own, that they have had to cut for themselves. Why couldn’t these people be my ancestors? So they are!
I am not alone, I may not walk a physical path with others, but in spiritual workings, I have guidance. If I walk the underworld, there are those who walk beside me, I may not know so much who they were, but I know who they are for me. Since then I have had a set of grandparents die, and they occasionally walk with me, they were mostly Christian in their own time, but this has apparently not stopped my paternal grandmother from being with me at times. Even solitaries need not practice alone, there are always those who came before you, and there always will be, your ancestors will be to you who they are, and no one should be able to say otherwise!
There, now I feel better.

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