Friday, February 8, 2013

Cleansing Life

Yes the last post was about cleaning, but this one is about cleansing, not the same thing, but similar ideas.
Cleansing spiritually, yourself, your home, any tools you may use. This should be done regularly, or as needed. There are all sorts of opinions as to when and how to do a cleansing, Tools are supposed to be cleared of energy at the full moon, and lunar cycles are not bad timelines for getting things done either. I personally find the full moon a good time for meditation and mind clearing, but I do not feel like it is a requirement. If you need to cleanse your mind, do it when it needs to be done, you do not have to wait until the full moon, new moon, or some specific sabbat, some things need doing when they need doing.
Some use sage, incense, and oils, different tools and rituals, and as said above different lunar cycles, but all you really need is yourself. Your own mind and inner visualizations are more than enough to accomplish a simple purpose, if you can visualize the energy running through you for a specific purpose, and you can feel it, and direct it you can use it for whatever purpose you need. All you need is your intent and the will to direct the energy. I helps to have a private space, or at least a group concentrating on the same purpose to do this, but it is not necessary. It only takes a moment to clear your mind and build energy, all the other things done during rituals or formal spells is mostly pomp, it can certainly aid in the process, but the key in all of it is the person making it work, throwing their intent and purpose behind it, using their energy and directing it, and knowing that it will work. Cleansing is really no different, whether cleansing your mind or aura, your home or some new crystals, you can do it all by yourself. Some days you just need that moment, the renewed energy running through you, and a short personal cleansing can help, along with some simple meditation can turn your whole day around. It is a simple step but one which is so often forgotten.
 Any technique you use, embrace it, and do it, let the energy around you be clear. Keep yourself cleansed!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post.. you have reminded me to take a moment out of my busy day to do just this. Thank you :)
